Social Prescribing
Access a range of local community groups, free activities and support for your social, emotional or practical needs. You will be assigned a link worker who will work with you on a one to one basis to help find activities and support services that will improve your wellbeing.
01744 371 111
chcp.sthelens@nhs.netCommunity Centres
Interested in enrolling in a new course, want to start a new activity, need a local venue for a meeting or event, thinking of volunteering? Then contact your local Community Centre to find out more…
Website Sclerosis (MS) Society
The Society provides reliable up to date information and will inform people affected by MS, their families and carers about what practical, emotional and financial support is available.
07521 166590
Email Youth Service Offer
St Helens Youth Service offers a three day per week youth offer. It is packed full of different things to do, from arts and sports to health and volunteering, and much more.
Website Association (Aphasia Support)
The Stroke Association provides high quality, up-to-date stroke information and will inform stroke patients, their families and carers about what practical, emotional and financial support is available.
01744 646160
Email’s Place
Vee’s Place is a warm and welcoming community support centre, based in Prescot. They provide support for people experiencing disability, poverty, social or economic circumstances and the elderly; ultimately improving their conditions of life.
0151 289 3602
Email the Rainbow
A social support group for young LGBT people meets in a safe space on the first Wednesday of the month.
01744 457242 (ask for Emma)Pride in You
Pride in You is a social support group for LGBTQ+ who are 18 and above.
01744 457243 (ask for Emma)What’s on in Downall Green and Garswood
Community Hall and Playing Fields, Billinge Road
Sunday: Garswood and Seneley Juniors (matches)
Monday: Garswood School of Dance from 4pm
Tuesday: Brownies and Guides from 6pm
Wednesday: Drama from 4pm
Thursday: Rainbows and Brownies from 5pm
Sessions for 10 to 18-year-olds:
Table tennis, first and third Thursday
Body weight fitness, second Thursday
Boxing fitness, third Thursday
Nerf battles, fourth Thursday
Friday: Baby sensory sessions from 10am
Saturday: Garswood School of Dance from 9am
Garswood and Seneley Juniors (matches)
Garswood Stags AFC (matches)
Garswood Primary School, Hamilton Road
Thursday, 9am to 10:30am, Tots Club; £1.50 (includes tea/coffee for parents/carers)
Community groups
Page published: 22 November 2023
Last updated: 12 June 2024